Un disastro annunciato, morti feriti e danni enormi per unterritorio lasiato allo sbando nelle mani della speculazione e nel sonno profondo dei politici.
Contemporaneamente coperte dei detriti tutte le vie di comunicazione per Messina, Autostrada, Ferrovia e Strada Statale per una lunghezza di circa 10 km.The first Italian minister is disembarked to Messina dall' helicopter to Ganzirri (zone NORTH lakes) in order makes the photos with the mayor of Messina (two sentences). To Tower Beacon of Ganzirri it has visited the NEWEST hotel garrisoned in forces from Policemen, Police of State and Police officers, constructed own near where, IT IS SAID, will make the pylons of the bridge on the channel of Reggio Messina.E' then passed from the road " Panoramic of the Stretto" in order to avoid the sfollati ones that they ramble in the narrow lanes of Ganzirri. To the prefettura it has not been made to see from the manifesting survivors escaped to the disaster of Giampilieri and Scaletta and from manifesting against the bridge, entering from the lateral door. The PREFETTURE (fascist) have been ABOLISHED in Sicily, in 1946, from the Charter of the Sicialian Parliament (restored after 100 years, 1848-1946). the Prefetture as organs of the Government center them Italian has been abolished own in order to avoid that a new Italian dictatorship could bring back the Sicily in the state of administrative disaster in which l' it has dragged the fascism, deporting all the employees sicialian to the north and capillary inserting in the offices sicialian the faithful Italians to the dictatorship, thousands of offices managed directly from the dictatorship have reduced the Sicily in an UNMANAGEABLE country, this are the reason for which the today sons of those which they were " sistemati" from the dictatorship they continue imperversare in the public administrations sicialian with a dynasty and a nepotism radicato from the university to the municipalities. The reduction to 390 of the municipalities sicialian has then concentrated the power in the hands of little administrators (often mafia thieves and) faithful to the dictatorship. In Sicily they serve at least 1,000 municipalities (medium Italian) that they train the life of 5milioni of sicialian. The Sicily is the European country with the biù lowland percentage of municipalities regarding the population. Thieves are enough to little mayors () in order to manage the million life persons. This é the result of 160 years of limitations of the right of self-government, the right all' independence of Sicialian Popolo. The disasters are the result of the delegated power to illegal and incapable organs of the occupying state. The European and Italian economic laws have destroyed to the cultivations of CITRUSES and all the other collaterals that maintained the territory in perfect state of cure from the producers of citruses. The destruction of the lemons sicialian through centers AIMA, that it allowed the PARMALAT to acquire citruses sicialian to price AIMA in order to transform them, has been on purpose worthy a HIDDEN scandal of the FERACIOUS EXPLOITATION OF the SICILY FROM an ITALIAN GOVERNMENT SCHIAVISTA WHO DOES NOT HAVE COMPARISONS NOT EVEN IN the PAST CENTURY. The disaster was not only announced but it has been constructed in 150 years of insopportabile military oppression that is repeated still more heavy in the City of Messina that é be happens them dell' island and protagonist of the more glorious pages of the liberation conquests and independence of Sicialian Popolo.
"La Politica è una cosa difficile, talvolta terribile, ma tuttavia umana! Anche nella Politica ci deve essere il disgusto, la pulizia! Non ci si può sporcare di fango, nemmeno per un'idea alta!" (Boris Eltsin - "Il diario del Presidente")
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LA BELLA NOTIZIA DELLA GIORNATA: ERGASTOLO A FILIPPO TURETTA, ASSASSINO DI GIULIA CECCHETTIN! Filippo Turetta condannato all'ergastolo, impassibile alla lettura della sentenza, esce dall'aula a testa bassaCome nelle precedenti udienze, l’imputato ha tenuto la testa bassa prima di lasciare l’aula scortato dalla polizia PENITENZIARIA! GIUSTIZIA È STATA FATTA...
Come chiesto dai pm, Filippo Turetta è stato condannato all’ ergastolo per l’ omicidio , il sequestro e l’ occultamento del...
lunedì 5 ottobre 2009
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