Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- The DPRK Foreign Ministry issued a statement Tuesday flatly rejecting the brigandish "presidential statement" which the U.S. and its followers finally released by abusing the UNSC to condemn the DPRK's launch of satellite for peaceful purposes.
Saying that throughout history the UNSC has never taken issue with satellite launches, the statement continues:
First, the DPRK resolutely rejects the unjust action taken by the UNSC wantonly infringing upon the sovereignty of the DPRK and seriously hurting the dignity of the Korean people.
Second, there would be no need to hold six-party talks which the DPRK has attended.
Now that the six-party talks have turned into a platform for infringing upon the sovereignty of the DPRK and seeking to force the DPRK to disarm itself and bring down the system in it the DPRK will never participate in the talks any longer nor it will be bound to any agreement of the six-party talks.
Third, the DPRK will bolster its nuclear deterrent for self-defence in every way.
It will take the measure for restoring to their original state the nuclear facilities which had been disabled under the agreement of the six-party talks and putting their operation on a normal track and fully reprocess the spent fuel rods churned out from the pilot atomic power plant as part of it.
"La Politica è una cosa difficile, talvolta terribile, ma tuttavia umana! Anche nella Politica ci deve essere il disgusto, la pulizia! Non ci si può sporcare di fango, nemmeno per un'idea alta!" (Boris Eltsin - "Il diario del Presidente")
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DPRK Foreign Ministry Vehemently Refutes UNSC's "Presidential Statement!"
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